Cement and Energy

Table 1 : Guaranteed Technical and Economic Indexes of TCDRI Cogeneration plants Kiln Capacity InstaUed Unit Yearly Cogeneration Pay-back tpd Cogeneration Cogeneration Generation Power period, Capacity kWh/tonne mil. kWh vis-a-vis Years kW clinker plant's Total ,, Consumption Plain dry 300 300011500 >180 >10 100% 3-5 500 6000/3000 >190 >22 100% 3-5 700 6ooonsoo >190 >38 100% 3- 5 Prccalciner 700 3000 22 -36 >20 50% <5 with more than 4-stage 700 6000 22-36 >40 90% <5 SP+ 1000 3000 22-36 >20 40% <5 1000 6000 30 >40 80% <5 . 2000 6000 22-36 >40 40% <5 2000 12000 22-36 >80 80% <5 4000 12000 24 - 36 >80 40% <5 4000 25000 24-36 >160 80% < 5 Preheatcr with more than 4 stages Same level of cogeneration as precalciner kiln < 5 Long wet * (with grate Same level of cogeneration as precalciner kiln cooler) * Investment IS 20 - 30% higher compared to precalciner ki ln. BREAKTHROUGH m POWER GENERATION TECHNOLOGY A sea Brown Boveri (ABB) arc reported to have launched a new product which will bring a quant um j ump in electrical engineering. Called Powcr rormer, the world 's first hi gh-voltage generator wi ll he able to generate electricity at 20 - 400 ki lovolts (KV ) ran ge directl y. This could straightaway be fed to high-voltage networks wi thout intervening transformers. Further, it ca n he used both wi th hydel and thermal power generation . The rrod uct is likely to change the conditions in the power industry and in the long term perhaps also of the entire energy market, it is claimed. Besides, it is expected to bring in significant savi ngs in investment costs for power generation as much as in operating and maintenance costs. For a I 0,000 MW generation capacity in Sweden where this system has been tested, calculations show that a I% improvement in efficiency, would net a saving of$ 37 million. A I0% lower investment cost is valued at $46 million . Lower operating and maintenance costs are valued at $42 million. Consequently over $ 125 million savings are expected for that power house calculated over a 30 year period. For the entire hydroelectric power generation capacity in Sweden, it is a matter of $2 billion. 10