Cement and Energy

CEMENT and ENERGY A QUARTERLY NEWS LETTER Vol. II No. 2 April 1998 EDITORIAL BOARD R. Part ha Sarathy Dr. S.P. Ghosh P.K . Tikku Y.K. Arora S. Y. Joshi CONTENTS • t:ncr~y Efliciency - lmper<lll ve for Survival • Ener~y Conservation through Plant Operational Audit– llollcc ·s Experiences • ._:11 V-Separator • Waste Ileal Recovery for Power Ciencrat11m- Chinese Experience • Brc;tl..throu~h 111 Power Generation Tcchnology • .\luw. llll-Siwrc W1nd Energy • Fuel Cell Tcchnology Su~.:ces~rully FJL·kl Demonstrated • F1n.111l"ing Energy Efli cicncy/ Consl!rl'ation • IREDA"s Roll! 111 l.:.nng) Conscnatinn • Encrg) Savmgs th rough CFL'~ • Encn!) ('pn,crvatlllll Round-up • ro1thnumn~ Events For Private Circulation 5 8 9 10 II II 12 12 13 14 ENERGY EFFICIENCY - IMPERATIVE FOR SURVIVAL Dr. S.P. Ghosh* & B.S. Dua** W ith the thrust in the developing countries on energy conservation, energy effici ency today is widely recognised as a boon to the economy, providing a competiti ve edge to the industry. It is even acquiring the mantle of a fastest, economical and most durable route to environmental protection. Conventional energy sources being limited, a complex situation like this in developing count ries like India calls for a rational utilisation of these avai lable energy sources. Various factors having a bearing on energy consumption call for improvement in the efficiency of energy use through various energy conservation measures, incl uding periodical energy audit and integrated energy management, technology development , training, funding, governmental legislati on. Coal - the primary fuel in India, shall continue to play a dominant role in providing energy to the industri al sector. Indian cement industry has been very responsive to energy conservation. The coun try's 11 5 major cement plants with an installed capacity of 96 million tonnes per year have been initiating various technological and promotional measures to contain their energy requirement. As a result of these, some of the modern plants are comparable to world 's best energy efficient plants. The industry appears to have a bag fu ll of problems. Even though, it is at present the fourth largest producer after China (430 Mio TPA), Japan (97 Mio TPA) and USA (77 Mio TPA), its problems emanate from frequent demand-supply imbalances (currently over supply/crashed prices), serious infrastructural constraints imposed * Director General, ** Technical Advisor, National Council for Cement and Building Materials, New Delhi.