Cement Energy and Environment

We in India have always been active supporters of national and international standardization work. We recognize standardization as a vital component of our growth engine, an important facilitator of trade and a major tool for protection of consumer interest. A statute of Parliament of 1986, the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986, formally provides a regime to legally uphold the ideal of standards. The BIS has been at the forefront of the Government's effort in providing value based services to the citizens of this country and safeguarding the country's technological interests by formulating Indian Standards, which reflect India's technical competence. I am confident that the ISO General Assembly will help the Bureau of Indian Standards to showcase the robustness of standardization in India at the world stage and demonstrate competence and competitiveness of our industry and trade. Friends, if we study and survey the total quality movement we find that the quality of a product has to be understood in terms not only the quality of the end product but also in terms of the quality of management, quality of human relations, of company performance, and work environment. It is, therefore , evident that quality of a product is understood in a very comprehensive and overarching sense. In a similar vein the movement for standardization has to be all encompassing. It has of course to be related to the product, consumer, trade, industry and all the stakeholders. But it has to also address the issue of sustainability of business which has to be in harmony with nature and the larger planet. A planetary consciousness has to be developed in evolving the standards. In this context, it is heartening to note that the ISO has already published International Standard on Energy Management System (ISO 50001 ). This will help to address the challenge of energy management in the world. I am given to understand that the ISO is organizing a regional seminar on ISO 50001 in New Delhi during November 2011. I am sure that it will be a precursor to the many other forward looking steps for reducing our dependence on fossil fuels. am also given to understand that international standards in the areas of financial planning, tourism, market research and exhibition management are being developed. This is a welcome development. Distinguished delegates, this is the age of innovation. Without innovation economy, industry and growth will be stunted. The father of management discipline, Professor Peter Drucker in his article 'The Age of Social Transformation' famously stated that fast emerging knowledge society will depend critically on innovation. We in India had established an Innovation Council. It is, therefore, important that the ISO should foster new initiatives and proactively anticipate new areas where international standardization might support innovation. In fact standardization is compatible with innovation. This idea must be driven home across the world through the ISO. This is essential to make business, particularly small business, more competitive and productive. In fact standardization and variety constitute the recipe for progress. It is very thoughtful on the part of the organizers to have chosen the theme "Industry and Standards - Fostering Innovation and Building Competitive Advantage" for tomorrow's Open Session. I wish the deliberations all success and hope that all stakeholders will benefit from its proceedings. I hope that the convening of this Assembly will enable our Government and private sector and a!l other stake holders to remain tuned to the ever evolving standards which are adopted in every economic activity across the world. I once again welcome you and wish you a comfortable and enjoyable stay in India. I am confident that deliberations of the Assembly will be productive, constructive and forward looking. Thank you. JAI Hind." (Delivered at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi on September 21st 2011 ). 2