Cement Energy and Environment

Design Capacities 2007 - 2009 ('OOOt) Year Cement Clinker 2007 2008 2009 188,954 204,169 230,332 157,735 180,614 203,560 240,000 -r---,--r--r---y--~--,--r--.... 220.000 +---1---+--+--+--t-~...,r;.-+-~ 200,000 +--+--+---t-..;.~F--+-,.....~-4 180,000 +---+--:~c:::;._t--+--::::o..-=::--t-+--1 160,000 +---+--+----:~~~-+---+-+--1 140,000 +--4=--+--t--+-+---+-+--1 120.000 +--+--+---t--t-~1---+--1----4 100,000 +----'-......... -L---1--...1.-~--l-.,.......l 2006 2007 2008 2009 that were announced or were under construction till 2010, exceeds 50 new plants and mills with total design capacities of more than 102.7Mt of clinker. If we add these new capacities to current ones, total capacities would exceed 306.2Mt of clinker by 2012. In terms of new capacities, the GCC countries come in the lead with additional capacities registering 39. 7Mt of clinker, followed by Mashreq countries with 36.2Mt of clinker, then Maghreb countries, with 26.7Mt of clinker. It is worth mentioning that owners of several plants have got licenses for some time but have not started work yet. Actual Production: • In 2007, production in Arab countries reached 132.3Mt of clinker and 150.5Mt of cement. • In 2008, actual production increased to 150.1 Mt of clinker and 167.5Mt of cement, with clinker production increasing at 11.4 per cent on 2007 figures. • In 2009, production was 161.9Mt of clinker and 182.2Mt of cement. Clinker production increased at 22.4 per cent on 2007 levels and at 7.8 per cent on 2008 figures. • Design capacity utilization for cement registered 79.6 per cent in 2007, 82 per cent in 2008 and 79.1 per cent in 2009. Actual Production 2007 - 2009 ('OOOt) Y~ar Ce~ent Clinker . r • I 'I 2007 2008 2009 200 ,000 180,000 160,000 140,000 120,000 100,000 2006 150,468 167,504 182,228 2007 Apparent Consumption: 2008 132,286 150,156 161,966 2009 Apparent cement consumption reached 180.8Mt in 2008, up at 15.1 per cent on 2007 figures. In 2009, consumption increased to 203.3Mt, up at 12.4 per cent on previous year. This clearly reflects the increase in demand for cement during this period. Consumption 2007- 2009 ('OOOt) Year Consuri,ption I ' ' 2006 2007 2008 150,648 157,025 173,301 220,000 -r---,...--r---r---r--r---,.----r---.. 200,000 +----f--1-----11---+--f---+...,........ --1 180,000 +-~1---+--+--+---::~~~1--+--1 160,000 t---t=:t::::t~t--t-lt--t----i 140,000 +---+--+--+---+-+-~1---+~ 120,000 +---f--+--+---+-+----11---+~ 100,000 +---'--1-__...J~-4--L..---J--.1.....--1 2006 2007 2008 2009 ~c_.- 30 ,