Cement Energy and Environment

Table1: Top 5 Countries- Existing Capacity as of End 2010 1. us China China us us Germany China 2. China us us Brazil Philippines Spain Turkey 3. Germany Canada Germany Germany Indonesia Japan Germany 4. Spain Brazil Spain China Mexico Italy Japan 5. India Germany/India India Sweden Wind power: Wind maintained its 2009 level, with 38 GW added for a total of about 198 GW. For the first time, majority of new wind power capacity was added in developing countries and emerging markets, driven primarily by China, which accounted for half the global market. Trends include, continued offshore development, growing popularity of community-based projects and distributed, small-scale grid– connected turbines, and the development of wind projects in a wider variety of geographical locations. Solar power: The photovoltaic (PV) industry had a remarkable run, with global production and markets more than doubling in 2010 . An estimated 17 GW of capacity was added worldwide (compared with just under 7.3 Italy us Greece GW in 2009), bringing the global total to about 40 GW-more than seven times the capacity in 2005. The EU dominated the global PV market, led by Germany and Italy. Utility-scale PV plants exceeded 5000, accounting for almost 25 per cent of total global PV capacity. Asia continued to be the hotbed for cell manufacturing, with 10 of the top 15 manufacturers located in the region. The concentrated solar power (CSP) Table 2: Selected Indicators for RE: Comparative Statistical Analysis from 2008 to 2010 Selected Indicators 2008 - 2009 - 2010 Global new investment in renewable energy (annual) billion 130- 160 - 211 USD Renewable power capacity (existing, not including GW 200 - 250- 312 hydro) Renewable power capacity (existing, including GW 1,1 50 - 1, 230- 1,320 hydro) Hydropower capacity (existing) GW 950- 980- 1,010 Wind power capacity (existing) GW 121- 159- 198 Solar PV capacity (existing) GW 16 - 23- 40 Solar PV cell production (annual) GW 6.9- 11- 24 Solar hot water capacity (existing) GWth 130- 160 - 185 Ethanol production (annual) billion 67- 76 - 86 litres Biodiesel production (annual) billion 12- 17- 19 litres Countries with policy targets # 79 - 89- 98 States/provinces/countries with feed-in policies # 71 - 82- 87 States/provinces/countries with RPS/quota policies # so- 61 ·- 63 States/provinces/countries with biofuels mandates # 55 - 57 - 60 *Feed-in policies total for 2010 also includes early 2011. 24 )