Cement Energy and Environment

Solar PV [Photo Voltaic] Power Plants in our State is low is as compared to these states. As far as Wind Energy is concerned, we have a lower potential, as compared to Tamil Nadu, Kerala etc. For small Hydro Electrical projects, we are dependent on the vagaries of monsoon as most of the streams and rivers are mainly rain-fed. Further a larger number of the hilly rivers flow from Bhutan and enter into Bangaladesh as a result of which we are not able to tap these resources. Due to tremendous increase of · habitation in Darjeeling Hills; water availability in streams has also decreased significantly due to enhanced human activities. Under these circumstances, West Bengal has the only viable Renewable Energy option in Biomass. We are doing our best to utilize the potential in this sub– segment of RE. What are your various plans in the domain? Where do you see west Bengal in terms of generation and use of renewable energies in the year 2020? You must be aware that in the near future, we have to take recourse to the non-conventional sources of energy; so why not start doing it now than say, a few years later? Our exercises in this direction have already started. Though the component of NES Non-Conventional Energy only 3 per cent of the total energy, we in our own way have decided to emphasize as much as possible on this segment in order to combat the crisis in future. The Government of the West Bengal is preparing its State Policy for Renewable Energy which is likely to be published within the next 2/3 months. Once it comes into force, our activities related to this segment will come to fore. What will be the contribution of renewables in the total energy mix of the state in the year 2020? The stress is on the Non– conventional Energy Sources [NES] of which Renewable Energy is a part. We are trying to make a logical balance in the entire NES segment so that there is no untoward pressure on any one of the sub-segments. Since the State has a fair supply of biomass which can be provided to the Renewable Energy cloister, we are hopeful that in the long run, this form of energy is likely to play an important role in the entire Power scenario; it may be 2020, or a few years from then. Anything that you would like to communicate to our readers. Let me first state the steps being taken by the Government of West Bengal on conservation of Energy. These are:- • Large scale and intensive awareness-generation programmes among the common people including school children and housewives for adoption of energy efficiency practices • Mix of energy efficiency and renewable energy programmes • Convergence with National Solar Mission, National Enhanced Energy Efficiency Mission and National Biodiversity Mission • Diesel abatement programme through installation of Solar PV and other Renewable Energy based Power Plants • Partial replacement of conventional electricity in domestic and commercial sector Y~ith reliable supply & installation of Solar PV indoor lighting systems • Installation of more than 10,000 Solar PV Street Lighting Systems • Large scale installation programme of family size biogas plants. On the whole I feel that the society at large has a crucial role to play in this regard. If common people believe that this has to done as one of their daily chores, as a duty, it will not be long to find ourselves as an Energy-secure region. I am thankful that you have given me the opportunity to be able to reach to your readers. Courtesy: The business Standard, 2£Jh February 2011, P10. Energy Conservation WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM IN INDIA A waste heat recovery system delivered by FLSmidth to Vicat Sagar Cements will be integrated with their new pyro line, which is also supplied by FLSmidth . The WHR system is expected to be operational by mid 2012 . The 8.4 MW system is based upon steam Rankine cycle technology. Excess hot gases from the preheater and the cooler will be processed into usable power. At the same time the carbon footprint is reduced and water is saved. Courtesy: ZKG International Special India 2011, P22. 10 _j