Cement Energy and Environment

Technology Trends > There's cash in That Trash! French Cement Producers Burn Waste, Lower Production Costs, > Urea from Cement Plants' Waste C0 2 - A Synergy for GHG Abatement - B. V. Ramanaya, Madras Cements > Low-Carbon Flyash for use in Cement and Concrete Production in USA > Flyash in Cement and Concrete in USA > Readers' Write > Update on ISO 14000 Accrerutation > NCB Updates Guide Norms for Cement Plant Operations > J 998-99 Winners of 1\'ational Awards for Energy Efficiency in Indian Cement Industry > National Awards 1999-2000 for Energy Efficiency in Indian Cement Industry - Incentives for Larger Panicipation > Forthcoming Events > New Office Building for CMA INVITATION FOR CONTRIBUTIONS Original contributi ons are invited in the fo llowing broad areas of cement industry operations : * Energy Management and Saving * Environmental Management and [mprovement ··· Productivity Enhancement * Material Conservation Typically, these could be: • Success stories on Energy Savi ng, Environmental Improvement, Material Conservation; • Diagnostic/Case studies on specific problems/ deficiencies met with in plant operation ; • Repo11s on Productivity enhancement studies/ campaigns; • Reports on Benchmarking of plant performance; • Results of R&D on energy effi cient technologies/ machinery ; • Reports on plant renewal/modernisation; and 14 16 19 19 20 20 20 22 23 23 24 • Summary Proceedings (with recommendations where available) of Seminars/Conferences devoted to Energy, Environment and Productivity matters in cement industry Authors are requested to send their contributions to Secretary General, CMA, New Delhi preferably in floppy diskette. It will be appreciated if material is supported by ample graphics and colour photographs .