Cement Energy and Environment

r allotment of space. The payment ofadvance wil l entitle the faci lity o f a fim1 lease charge for the first fi ve years after th e building is ready for occupa ti o n, calcu lated on the current market rate in the locality less 1.S o/c concession for Members who have paid their contribution fully by Apri l 2001, the extent of which wi ll be decided by CMA Building Committee. Current market rate for lease rental is around Rs . 25/- per sq. ft. For subsequent periods of I 0 years each, the lease wi ll be continued, duly adj usting for the increase in the mar~et rate. One year's lease amount will be kept a. advance depos it to be deducted pro rata dwing the ten year period. The lease amount will include taxes, lease payment to Noiua for the land and the general maintenance charges for th e buildin g and e nviro ns, but will exc lude proportionate electricity/ water/ sanitary charges for the complex and other services that may be availed of, eg V-SAT. Internet. etc. NB : Illustrated pamplllet al'(fi/able 011 requ£•st from CMA Floor Plan showing Partitions 600 sq.ft 600 sq.fL CQJ!J'OJ! <HF.JI.EFJ.CJ: :J.'.O.\ll.t:.\ ti)~\T \Jl!!lA ARl"IIIT~I'IIAI(J US'iill.I,\I.J:.S ~:IJ!L 0 p lJ)Jli'IIR,\TIUl.U:.U.:1 <"ClMPJ t.X HJI{ ('.\!,A \' Olll,\ \R~ IIITt.J.:IS;..hOTII,RI ll,\ S'iill.l \11'~ \, llt llJ.j, Sectional Floor Plan b 0 1900 sq.ft. ,, 2200 sq.ft . ll.!!!£QR.\'U. O.E.Ell.Ji..!.1)\IPI t.X fOR C.\1. \m\ ARCIUif.CI.S.;_ K.!ULWU...~<..:Jal"Eli.X QUilL ... - - - 1 0 0 gp 0 0 D ~ . 1 D ! ' ! I l 25