Cement Energy and Environment

C onstruction work on the new oflice building of CMA at NOIDA started on I 0 May 2000. The building is expected to be ready for occupation by October 200 I . The functionally designed building will have ti ve tloors including a mezzanine floor. The ground fl oor will have a recepti on offi ce and meeting /conference hall for the common use of the offices in the building. The mezzanine floor will have a dining ann exe and the offices start f rom th e second floor. CMA office will occupy two floors. The Na ti ona l Coun ci I fo r Cemen t and Bui lding Materia ls (NCB) IS negotiating for one wing in the third fl oor. leaving the fourth and the fifth tloors for CMA membe r companies who may li ke to plan offi ces in th e National Capital Region, and for other uses. IT facilitil's/IT cnahkd St.' I"\ icc.'> facility for those connected to the net is also planned to be provided to enable e-mail services to the occupants. These IT enabled services will be against proportionate cluu·ges to be shared. Services of the dining complex will also be available for use against payment. Rl'Sl'nation of Space for i\lcmhcr., Members des irous of leasing space on a long term basis can do so for a whole wing or part. The options will provide the fo llowing floor area. depending upon the Members' choice: • Whole ll'ing: 1750 to 2200 sq.ft . depending on the partitioni ng leav ing common space for circulation • Port of.floor: 600, 900. 1200 sq.ft. approx. Typical sectional plans or the floo rs appear on the third cover. The building will ha ve Local Area Network with Artist's impression of CMA 's new office building at Noida. Terms of OITcr option for the Members at remote location to join the network through ISDN I PSTN lines. Th is will fac ilitate easy communication with CMA and their head offi ces bes ides ease in accessing of documents normall y publ ished by CMA on the net. Members wi ll have the fac ility of collecting the publications electronically also. There is also a proposal for a Y-SAT terminal to facil itate Members as well as CMA to have instant access to other Members and parent offices. A 24- hour internet 24 The desired area will be leased out for either a five or ten year period with option to renew the lease on fresh terms thereafter. Initial reservation - People wanting to reserve space and take on a lease may do so early. as some Members have already approached for space in the fourth and fift h noors. The space will be allotted on first-come– fi rst-get basis. An advance equal to SOo/c of the lease amoun t for the first five years will be collected upon • +