Cement Energy and Environment

+ ._ I t • NATIONAL AWARDS 1999-2000 FOR ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN INDIAN CEMENT INDUSTRY·- INCENTIVES FOR LARGERPARTICIPATION l n response to the valuable suggestions received from the industry and the recommendations of a core group of experts set up for the purpose, NCB 's scheme of National Awards for Energy Efficiency in IndianCemem lndusLJ·y, started in 1986, was further modified last year Firstly. the total number of awards was increased for motivating a larger number of cement plants to participate. Secondly. for encouraging the utilisation of industrial wastes and for mineral conservation, an exc lusive award for energy performance in the manufacture of blended cement was introduced. Also, the announcement of the awards is now made every year without clubbing two Award years. Accordingly, the winners of the 1998-99 Awards have already been announced. The questionnaires for the 1999-2000 awards have already been sent to all cement plants for inv iting nominations. It is proposed to organise the function for the disLJ·ibution of the awards for 1998-99 and 1999- 2000 during the Seventh NCB International Seminar in November 2000 in New Delhi. • FORTHCOMING EVENTS 21 July 2000 National Seminar on Waste Heal Recovery in Cement Industry for Cogeneration Hotel Taj Residency. Hyderabad Confederation of Indian Industry Energy Management Cell # 351 I, Abhiramapuram 3rd street, Alwarpet Chennai - 600 0 18 Tel : 4660430(D) I 1311 I 0570 I 0291 Fax: -+6603 I2 Emai l: emc@sr.ci i.ernet.in r:r 24-26 September 2000 CEMTECH 2000 VIENNA, AUSTRIA Contact : David Hargreaves Tel : +44 1306 740 363 I 383 Fax: +44 1306 740 660 Email :d.hargrcaves@cemnet.co . uk " 23-25 October 2000 Coaltrans 2000-20th Anni versary Event, Madrid Coaltrans Conference ltd. Nestor House Playhouse Yard London EC4Y SEX, UK Tel : +44(0) 207 779 8945 Fax : +44(0) 207 779 8946 Email: coaltrans@euromoneplc.com '.If 13-16 November 2000 AUCBM International Cement conference TUNIS, TUNiSIA Contact : Ahmad AI-Rousan Tel : +963 II 6115412 Fax: +963 II 66 215 25 Email : aucbm@net.sy v 21-24 November 2000 Seventh NCB International Seminar on Cement and BuildingMaterial s Organising Secretary, National Council for Cement and Building Materials P-21, South Extn. Pan 11, New Delhi - II 0 049 Tel : 9 J I I 625 9133, 91 II 625 1371 Fax: 91 I J 625 8868, 91 129 524 2100 OEmail: nccbm@giasdlOI.vsnl.net.in 23