Cement Energy and Environment

1998-99 WINNERS OF l'jATIONAL AWARDS FOR ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN INDIAN CEMENT INDUSTRY T he Jury for the 1998-99 National Awards for Energy Efficiency in Indian Cement Industry has an nounced the win ners of the awmds as below : Sl.No Award Recipient plant I. Best Improvement in Electrical Energy Performance Ambuja Cement Eastern Ltd., Rawan 2. Second Best Lmprovement in Electrical Energy Performance Chetti nad Cement Corpn ., Puliyur 3. Best Improvement in Thermal Energy Performance Saurashtra Cement Ltd., Ranavav 4. 5. 6. Second Best Improvement in Thermal Energy Performance Best Electrical Energy Perfom1ance Best Thermal Energy Performance 7. Best Improvement in Energy Performance in Manufacture of BJended Cements As it can be ob~erved , the number of awards in the vari ous categori es has been increased and best improvement in energy performance in manufacture of blended cement has been newly introduced. The Jury for the selectionof plants for thi s year's awards comprised : Shri A E Ahmad, Joint Secretary, Deptt of Industri al Development, Mini stry of Commerce & Industry (Chairman); Shri Devdas Chhotaray. Joint Secretary. Deptt of Coa l, Ministry of Mines and Minerals; Shri Shashi Shekhar, Director(Th & EC), Ministry of Power; Shri K Kittappa, Deputy Director General, National ProductivityCouncil; Shri S KLohani, Deputy Secretary, Depll of Industrial Development, 22 Vi kram Cement-Uni t TI , Vi kramNagar Aditya Cement, Adityapuram Binani Cement Ltd. , Binanigram Chettinad Cement Co rpn . Ltd., Puliyur MLni. try of Commerce & Industry; Shri D B N Rao, Director General, NCB; and Dr C Rajkumar, Director NCB; and Shri V K Arora, General Manager, NCB (Secretary). The National Award for Energy Efficiency was instituted by NCB in 1986-87 at the instance of the then Hon' ble Mini ster of Industry with the objective of moti vating competitive improvement in pe1i'om1ance. and improving energy consciousness in Indian cement industry through national recogni tion to efforts for achieving low energy consumption. Since then these awards are being given every year. • I + •