Cement Energy and Environment

EDITORIAL BOARD R Partha Sarathy D.B.N. Rao Dr. S.P. Ghosh Y.K. Arora S.V. Joshi G. Ramaseshan A view of the Vasavadatta Cement plant with a profusion of greenery in the foreground - The plant has to its credit several innovative measures combining wastes utilisation and environemental improvement (see pages S-6) For Private Circulation Message Cement, Energy and Environment is truly gratified at your enthusiastic welcome to its enlarged mission. Judging f rom the number of original co!'m1wnications which have started f lowing in, the Journal could soon become the primary as well as authoritati ve database on Indian cement industry's programmes and achievements on energy efficiency, productivity enhancement, material conservation and environmental amelioration. The Journal also aspires to function as a sounding board fo r innovative ideas, which might well pave the way for technological solutions to global problems. A start is made in this issue with a communication (page 16) which anticipates a synergy between cement and f ertiliser industries. The idea is open for debate and the new column 'Readers Write... ' is at your call fo r the purpose. T-:.:h~) Secretary General, CMA CONTENTS Case Studies >- Productivity Enhancement of Electrostatic Precipi tators - S. Khan, J.K. Cement Works, Nimbahera >- Multipronged Environmental Initiati ves by 5 Vasavadatta Cement - P.K. Goyenka & B.L. Saini >- Pleated Filter Elements Improve Bag house Performance 7 at North Texas Cement Energy nfficiency and Consel'l'ation ).. Process Optimisation Savings 9 ..