Cement Energy and Environment

High-temperature pleated filte•· clements in operation Low-tempe ratu re (be low a maximum operating temperature of 265°F. or 129°C) pleated filter e lements ha ve been used successfull y In cement applications over the past decade. Not until the past two or three years has there been a med ia avai !able to handle temperatures of normal clinker cooler dust co ll ectors of up to 375° F ( 191 o C). Recent technical advanceme nt s in the use of pleatable high-temperature media Table 1 Item Airflow capacity Number of filters Filter size Filtration area per filter Total filtration area Air-to-media ratio (all compartments filtering) Required pulse air pressure and advanced construction methods now al low the potential to use this technology in clinker cooler vent dust collection systems. A review of the potential use of high-temperature pleated like elements (PFEs) in unit No.3 by the instal lation of a L -meter-long element with 45 pleats is ummarised in Table I. Table 2 Operation Evaluation of Plea ted Filter Elements (PFE) vs. Traditional Filter Bags Traditional FilterDags Higl!-Temperature PFEs 32,800 acfm 32,800 acfm 864 total 864 total (96 per compa1tment) (96 per comprutmem) Sin. X 8ft 5 in. X I meter (approx.40 in) 10.5 ft 2 16 ft 2 9.072 ftl 13,821 ft 2 3.6 1-to- 12.37-to I 100 psi (Min) 60 psi plant reported the operational data as listed in Table 2. Plant personnel also ha ve reported overall system pressure reduction along with lower clinker cooler gas tempe ratures. As noted above, energy cos ts of compres ed air can be reduced by 40 per cent (in fact, the baghouse did not pulse until after one week of operation). labour costs substantially reduced, and air vol ume remained consistent through the compartment. Comparative Operational Results Pleated Filter Elements (PFE) vs. Traditional Filter Bags • Traditional Filter Bags High-Temperature PFEs As seen in Table I, the hi gh– temperature PFEs wou ld provide a substantially larger drop-out area under the fi lters since they are only L meter (about 40 in.) in length . compared with the standard filter bag, at 96 in. , and eliminate the abrasion zone seen on the trad itiona l filte r bags. Due to the add itional surface area provided by using pleated med ia, the total filtration area was increased by about 52 per cent, thus assisting in the reduction of overall differential pressure drop and system efficiency. System air vs:>lume 32,800 acfm 32,800 acfm Average compat1menl 6 to 8 in WG 2.5 to 3.5 in WG differential pressure Pulse air pressure 100 psi 60 psi Filters replaced to date About 300 (based on weekly average) None Cause of filter failure Bottom-bag abrasion None After nine months of operation, the 8