Cement Energy and Environment

BIODIVERSITY: OUR LIVING TREASURE Just look around us. We have a wide variety of flowering plants, ferns, majestic trees , insects, birds, fish and animals and the unique places they live in such as man-grove swamp , rivers, highlands and coastal areas. The water we drink, the air we breathe and the clothes we wear all come from nature and the complex process and services that nature does to sustain life on earth. All living forms including us humans and the services that nature does form an integrated web of life. This brings about the concept of biodiversity. Biodiversity was defined by the UN Earth Summit, in 1992 as "the variability among living organisms from all sources, including, inter alia , terrestrial, marine, and other aquatic ecosystems, and the ecological complexes of which they are part: this includes diversity within species, between species and of ecosystems". Or simply put, biodiversity is the variety of all living forms found in this world and the various habitats they live in. Publications Published/Upgraded by CMA • Basic Data on Cement Industry 2011 Courtesy: CPS/ Journal, Vo/.3 No.5, July 2011, P38. • Conference on Cement Concrete Pavements- jointly by CMA & ASSOCHAM (New Delhi- 2010) Publications procured from Outside • Hotel & Restaurant Guide 2011 (by FH&RA) • Manorama Year Book 2011 (by Malaya Manorama) • Acceptance of 6 1 h Pay Commission 2011 (by Nathi's) • The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 with commentary details- amended upto May 2010 (Universal) • Bare Act with Short Notes- Gratuity Act, 1972- amended upto May 2010 (Universal) • Dealing with Climate Change- Seeing A Global Agenda for Mitigation and Adaptation- 2010 (R.K.Pachuri) • Legal Aspects of Carbon Trading- Kyoto, Copenhagen and beyond 2010 (by Freestone & Others) • The Global Cement Report- Ninth Edition - 2011 (International Cement Review) • Nomograms for Design and Operation of Cement Plants- 2011 (by S.P.Deolkar) • Economic Survey 2010- 2011 (by MoF) • Central Budget for 2011-12 (by MoF) • Budget Notifications- Central Excise, Customs & Service Tax 2011- 12 (by Pooja's) • Central Excise Tariff of India, 2011-12 (61 51 Edn by R.K. Jain) • Central Custom Tariff of India, 2011-12 (50th Edn by R.K. Jain) • Central Excise Law Manual, 2011-12 (52nd Edn by R.K. Jain) • Central Customs Law Manual, 2011-12 (43'd Edn by R.K. Jain) • Cenvat Law & Practice, 2011 (24 1 h Edn by Taxmans) • Service Tax- How to meet your obligations: Vol 1 & 2 with Finance Bill 2011(30 1 hEdn- S.S. Gupta) • Deduction of Tax at Source- with Advance Tax and Refunds (24th Edn.- 2011 by Taxman) • Income Tax Ready Reckoner -2011 -12 (V.G. Mehta) • Income Ttlx Act, as amended by Finance Act 2011 (55th Edn. by Taxman) • Income Tax Rules 2011 (48th Edn. by Taxman) • Master Guide to Income Tax Act with commentary on Finance Act 2011 (21thEdn - Taxman) • Master Guide to Income Tax Rules -A Rule-wise commentary on Income Tax Rules 2011 (Taxman) • Directory of Central Govt. Officials- 2011 (29th Edn by DIB) • Directory of Diplomatic Missions & Consultants -2011 (25th Edn by DIB) 53