Cement Energy and Environment

Environmental indicators measuring sustainability in CSR General issues: • Monitor energy use associated with running the organisation's sites • Implement strategies to reduce energy consumption. This would include energy efficient features • Waste minimization • Compliance with local legislative requirements • Encourage the use of email and teleconferencing, provide access to such tools and training for staff • Encourage the use of train travel and minimize air travel in a way that still allows the organization to achieve its goals • Engage proactively with the organisation's suppliers to increase the purchase of goods and services that have been produced using sustainable practices • Procurement, use, recycling and/or disposal of products such as paper, office supplies and equipment • Brief and encourage the staff on how to reduce energy use. Indicators used: • Total greenhouse gas emissions (C0 2 metric tonnes), • Direct and indirect energy consumption by primary energy sources • Total water discharge by quality and destination • Location and size of land owned, leased, managed in, or adjacent to, protected • • areas and areas of high biodiversity value outside protected areas Habitat restored protected and Systems for renewal energy, reduction of the use of non– renewable resources, conserving the ecosystem and biodiversity, water management and controlling atmospheric emissions • Initiatives to mitigate environmental impacts of products and services and extent of impact mitigation - forest areas, landscape, freshwater and wetland ecosystems • Reporting on impacts and mitigation Social indicators measuring sustainability in CSR General issues: • Ensuring that those closely engaged in the organization's activities come from a diverse array of geographic and cultural backgrounds • Providing a safe and healthy working environment that supports individual development, team working , positive work - life balance, and job satisfaction • Ethical policies and systems determine how the organization works with the corporate sector • Retaining staff • Donation of staff time to community projects (on a voluntary basis) • Human rights - investment ant! procurement processes, non discrimination, freedom of association and collective bargaining , child labour, forced labour and indigenous rights. Indicators used: • Ratio of highest to lowest wage • Gender diversity of staff • Overall administrative, accounting and technical services • Research and reporting services • Corporate management and programme directors • Boards of Directors • International diversity of staff • Ethnic diversity of staff • Turnover of staff • Days lost to injuries • Policies to protect human rights and action reporting. At the community level: - Investment on the number and types of community welfare programmes (health, education, counseling centres, etc.), innovation - Community participation contingency planning measurement, disaster management community as a shareholder of the company - Rehabilitation and resettlement policy Impact assessment on the number and type of community asset built increased livelihoods option, approach to manage the impact of involuntary displacement - Human rights, child labour and worker's exploitation. Courtesy: Development Alternatives, July 2011,Pp9-11. 52 -.~