Cement Energy and Environment

T / • Provides continued tracking and improved performance. It is easier to assess sustainability performance with respect to laws, norms, codes, performance standards, and voluntary initiatives • Provides the ability to compare an organisation's activities and process over a period of time by establishing a quantified baseline of performance in terms of economic, social and environmental sustainability • Generates a sustainability discussion, which helps to create a greater awareness of the organisation's impacts • Identifies and evaluates the consistencies between an organization objectives' policies, programme activities and internal procedures • Improves accountability of the staff members or investors on the performance of the company • Enhances the reputation and relationship with investors through increased transparency and operational funds • Helps in risk management practices and integrates them transparently in the day-to-day management • Provides a focal point for the organization's staff, thus motivating and uniting them on the issues of reducing environmental footprint and sustainability in general. Sustainable reporting tools for CSR The different possible tools for CSR include: • The Baldrige performance excellence criteria is a • • • • • • framework that any organization can use to improve its overall performance. The different categories include leadership, strategic planning, customer and market focus information and analysis, human resource process management and business resul ts. ISO · 14000 series which mainly focuses on effective environment management. Total Quality Environmental Management - The Primer. This short manual shows how to use the classic TQM tools such as process maps, run charts and cause and effect diagrams to improve EHS performance. Most of the GEMI companies claim to use this approach in EHS. Sustainable Balanced Scorecard is a concept popularized by a group of European researchers and industrialists. This is a simpler version of the Baldrige performance system . Accountability's AA1000 standard, based on John Elkington's triple bottom line (TBL standard) reporting, is aimed at supporting organizational learnings, performance and progress towards sustainable development by improving the quality of social and ethical accounting, auditing and reporting . Social Accountability international's SA8000 standard is used by some corporate to focus on specific issues such as human rights. The Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) also provides a useful source of data. ESI is a measure of overall progress towards environmental sustainability. • Global Reporting Initiatives (G3 Guidelines) is a sustainable reporting guideline which reports on the economic, social and environmental performance (both negative and positive) and contains general and sector specific content which has been agreed upon by a wide range of stakeholders. Economic Indicators Measuring Sustainability in CSR General issues: • Develop financial planning processes that include budgeting and forecasting • Budget for a surplus to ensure sustainability of the organisation's services, which is essential for good governance • Business/revenue generation • Possible Indicators: • Flow of capital among different stakeholders • Main economic impacts of the organization throughout society • Investment of humanitarian causes • Reporting on the funds generated from donations other community investments • Development and impact of infrastructure investments and services provided for public benefit through commercial , in kind or pro bono engagement. 51