Cement Energy and Environment

Why is that? Have sustainability and climate not been discussed enough? Or have we discussed the issues too much and done too little? I believe neither is the case. Like the transition from fire to fossil fuels, transitioning the world onto the new global norm that we all want is a piecemeal process that takes time. We can get to this next transition - provided we stay at it. This is especially so because in sustainability and climate change, we have a level of urgency that far surpasses anything that may have boosted previous transitions. So, we have to start with the premise that transition to low carbon economy is feasible. Outcome of Cancun conference Cancun conference started with uncertainty with skeptics predicting doom. However, some countries including India, showed extreme courage to take some bold decisions to ensure that negotiations moved forward . This was achieved only through bold deci sion on undertaking challenging tasks by respective countries. Indi a is taking time to bring all stakeholders on board. In Cancun (in December 201 0), Parties to the Convention agreed on the following Agreements that lead to development of low-carbon strategies: • To limit the temperature increase to 2 degrees Celsius and will consider a 1.5 degree Celsius limit going forward; • For industrialized countries to develop low-carbon development plans or strategies and to formalize their emission targets; • For developing countries to implement nationally appropriate mitigation actions in the context of sustainable development aimed at achieving deviation form business-as-usual emissions in 2020. A registry is being designed to record and match these actions with financial and technological support; • To establish the Cancun Adaptation Framework with the aim of enhancing action on adaptation , including through international cooperation and coherent consideration of matters relating to adaptation under the Convention. Parties also established an Adaptation Committee to promote the implementation of adaptation in a coherent manner. • To establish a Technology Mechanism that will facilitate international cooperation on technology for mitigati on and adaptation. A Technology Executive Committee was also established to guide the implementation of technology development and transfer under the Convention. • To establish a Green Climate Fund, to be designated as an operating entity of the financial mechanism of the Convention to support projects, programmes, policies and other activities in developing country Parties using thematic funding windows. A Transitional Committee has been establi shed to design the Fund . Parti es also established a Standing Committee aimed at improving the coherence and coordination in the delivery of climate change financing ; • To establish a robust system for measurement, reporting and verification of mitigation actions and support provided, including their consideration through international consultation and analysis. A Closer Look at the Climate Change Negotiations reflects moving from 'No Commitment' to 'Commitment' or "Emission Reduction by all" From the early days of the Climate Change Convention via the Kyoto Protocol to the Cancun Agreements, governments have steadily built up a global climate change regime that captures a slowly, but surely growing level of ambition. Where no country had emission reduction targets when the Convention entered into force in 1994, this changed significantly with the Kyoto Protocol. As of 2005, the majority of industrialized countries had legall y binding economy-wide emission reduction targets. The release of the Fourth Assessment Report of IPCC in 2007 showed that more - in fact much Efforts more -was needed. had not been commensurate with the scale of the problem. Th is led to the launch of the Bali Road Map negotiations, wh ich focus on increasing climate change mitigation and adaptation action , as well as findi ng solutions for what happens when the first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol expires in 2012. 28