Cement Energy and Environment

country , hazardous wastes should remain at least 850°C - 11 oooc for 2 seconds in the burning chamber and flue gas treatment systems should be established . However, in cement kilns the gas temperature is 900°C - 1400°C and retention time is at least 5 seconds . In this case more advanced techn~logical conditions, compared to laws, are fulfilled so an additional flue gas treatment unit except dust is n t · 0 needed . Use of waste as alternative fuels is about 30 per cent in Europe whereas it is appr · OXJmately 3 per cent in our country. Although we have legislation ~~ collection , classification and ac~ · of wastes , we could not w Jeve the desired level of aste su 1 fu 1 ~p Y and use of waste une j Mamly, this is related to re c ear definition of the span .b. P SJ llities for the waste roduc cont ers and due inadequate rol Th ind : erefore , use of Ustnal a d .. lik n munJcJpal wastes ce~ Waste oils widely used in and ent production EU countries Old v h' I fuel . e 1c e tires as waste s Jn th Should e cement industry cornpl et' be provided by as so Jng present deficiencies on as Possible . l urkish . ready t cement mdustry is ccllecro take place in the reduct·'Ve strugg le fo r the e lon of ll'lission greenhouse gas As is k country h nown, in 2009 our the k as become a party to F=rarn Yoto Protocol to the C. ework C ''rnat onventi on on I Urke e Change (UNFCCC) . corn Y did not make a reCi urn,trnent on emi ssion <o1 2ct, on between 2008 and r·Ont'nu Countries in the world s1, e the . 0 1 Stern negotiations on the ~ornrn,t aft er 2012 . 1 ~ rn ent e cou . 8 are expected from ntnes like China . Ind ia and the USA so in this context it seems inevitable for Turkey to take commitments . Our country goes on its improvement and development so it is clear that Turkey cannot reduce greenhouse gas emissions below a reference year. However, on the basis of a reference scenario (Business as Usual) a reduction can be made without affecting sustainable development. Concordantly , Turkish cement industry is ready to do its part with other sectors collegially within the framework of sustainable development principles . The means of greenhouse gas reduction for the cement industry are limited to energy efficiency investments, production of blended cement and use of wastes as alternative fuel. Hence , recentl y Turkish cement industry focuses its energy on these subjects . Energy consumption values Turkish Cement Sector are lower than the average consumption values of European Union because many of the plants are built recently and/?r modernized in advanced leve! Jn last years. Thus , energy ~a~Jng potenti al is very 11 ~ 1 ted , especially at newly establi shed pl ants. E Y and Mini stry of nerg General Natura l Resou rces, · Power Di rectorate of Electnc Resources Survey . and Deve lopment Adm inistration has coll ecting energy been . lue of the consumption va . . dustry confidentiall y, cement Jn d d luating and publi shing co e eva . tables of the companson . 2002. In li ght of faci li tieS until sav ing data , energy . these t production Jn potentia l of cemen Turkey has changed from 9 per cent to 5 per cent between 2005 and 2009. The ratio of electrical energy saving is only about 2 percent. EU environment negotiations will create investment needs in the sector We hope that acquis on EU Environmental legislation will provide great benefit to increase the quality of life of our people and implement the Development Models compatible with Environment. Within the acquis period , Turkey is obliged to harmonize and implement all EU Environmental legislation. To comply with the EU regulations, many legislation are transposed into national law. Of course , these arrangements concern emissions and activities of the industrial sector closely. In this process, making investments in technology , building new plants and establishing new treatment systems can be required by the industrial sector. Implementation of m_or~ stringent environmen~al IJmJt lu es will be in consideratiOn . va . t There will be new constraJ~ ~ _on t . n of mining actJVJtJes execu1o d rehabilitation of lands an .. t. d d by mining actJVJ 1es, degra e H and applications of .the REAC Regul ation on chemJcals. Well, what do we need more to be better? First of all , fi nancial resource and time are needed to adopt to Eu Accordmg to the study the · · t bl ·c institutions mvestmen of pu 1 of 12.6 billi on Euros are to comply with the foreseen . . . 1 poll ution prevent1on 1ndustna . . t' The cement mdustry d1rec 1ve . can requ ire taking a share of _2 billi on Euros at least from thiS investment . 23