Cement Energy and Environment

Environmental Improvement 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF TURKISH CEMENT INDUSTRY MARKING SUSTAINABLE CEMENTPRODUCTIONFOR SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT Canan Derinoz Gence/, /rem Onver Tc;Ma, Ankara,Turkey We celebrate 1 oath anniversary of the Cement Industry which is the first industrial sector of country and one of the most important leading forces of our development and growth. For 100 years cement industry has been working with the mission of "constructive force of life". Production capacity of cement industry in Turkey was only 20,000 tonnes in 1911 but at its 1 oath anniversary the production capacity of Turkey is over 66 million tonnes, and first in Europe and fourth in the world after China, India and USA. In exportation, with 12 per cent shar.e, Turkey becomes first by leavm~ be.hind China and many countnes In East Asia . Today Turkish Cement Industry bec?mes a branch of industry having an important role in Turkish economy with its approximately 4.5 billion dollars turnover, 1billion dollars exportation and d' 1rect employment for 15,000 people. h Turkish Cement Industry thas an accepted reputation in e World with .t qu J"t . I S product a 1 y, capacity exportation Potential, R&D estabr h centers deveJ~s ed to sustain healthy trainin:sment of the industry, env · · sensitivity to Ironment occupatio . humans, and investnmal safety and health , ents. Therefore · . Turkish · mission of the 1 oath cement. industry at its " . anniversary . environmentally . 1s · economically .Sosyal ihtiyac;lar Social Needs - - . 0 Jopmen t Surdurulebilir Kalkmma I Sustamable eve and socially sustainability" to create more "value" to our country. The cement industry is growing in a sustainable way considering the environment angle. What is sustainable development? "Sustainable development is a system that aims to use resources by meeting needs of humans while protecting the environment and allowing next generations meeting their needs." Turkish cement industry takes necessary measures for possible environmental damag~s Production of Turkish Cement Industry is in accordance with all national laws and regulations related to environmental components especially like flue gas emissions, wastewater discharges, prevention of soil Pollution, and minimization and disposal of wastes . Dust emissions are controlled by "flue gas dust collection systems". so2 emissions are controlled by neutralizing sulphur content of fuel used in the kiln with lime in the raw material. Moisture in the . lly in cold raw material is, especla stack weather, emitted from the as intensive water vapour. "Environmental . d tor t .. are real1ze Measuremen s · 1 ts and · · n perm S ecuring em1sslo ntrol its co after receiving perm ' with done measurements . ar~ devices at continuous monltonng . mental All env1ron the stacks. ctor are measurements of th~ dsependent b 1n e realized Y . accredited laboratones. ·ve l ternatl sed as a . Wastes ar~ u d lternatlve raw matenal an a fuel as used Wastes are . Is or rnatena 11 alternative rawf securing a energy sour~e a t~ntal permit~ relevant envlronmsources ans Thus natural source ' tional energy k etc.) conven 1 um co e. (like coal . petro e are saved . nerallY I are ge gY Waste fue s . f ener reduction °. of used for the . ·rni zatlon bY m1n1 costs are roblems ed environmental . ~he develoP we cement plants Jnf rtunateiY· our . Uno in countnes . limited use have a very country . islation the leQ our According to and Un1on of European