Cement Energy and Environment

benefit 0.7 million railways employees by reducing their energy consumption, and the environment by reducing C0 2 emissions by 0.1 million tonnes per annum. The second part is installing these lights. You may install motion sensors of dimmers to reduce the amount of time your lights are on. These sensors automatically detect movement and switch on/off the lights when someone walks in/out of the room hence preventing energy wastage. The installation of such intelligent technology coupled with the use of energy efficient lamps/lighting solutions will ensure that energy is spent properly and wisely. You should also take advantage of daylight by using light-coloured loose-weave curtains on your windows to [ - Pollution Control J FAULTY DATA, POOR MONITORING A trading scheme for air pollutants could face the usual problem of implementation Rajesh Rangarajan and Sivapradha C R are with the Centre for Development Finance. The views expressed are personal A recent paper of the Union Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF), Towards an Emission Trading Scheme for Air Pollutants in India, explores the possibility of introducing a permit and trading system for air pollutants from industrial sources. The scheme operates along the lines of the cap-and– trade mechanism for greenhouse gas em1ss1ons. Units that keep pollutants well below stipulated levels can trade allow daylight to penetrate the room while preserving privacy. Having light-coloured walls helps to reflect daylight better and helps in reducing the amount of artificial light needed. You may also consider having three-way lamps as they make it easier to keep lighting levels low when brighter light is not required . An area of the house that we generally ignore is the outdoors. Here, the lights switched on at night are usually switched off later in the day, much beyond the time that these lamps are actually used. You may install bright CFL lamps in these spaces as it will minimize the number of lamps are required . These lamps do not consume as much energy as the incandescent bulbs and wouldn't cause a huge dent in your savings even if left switched on their credits with those that pollute in excess of standards. But environmental governance in India has often been marred by poor implementation. The Environmental Impact Assessment Notification of 2006 and the Coastal Regulation Zone Notification of 2011 are under close scrutiny, while the proposed National Environmental Assessment and Monitoring Authority faces criticism. Besides the implementation challenges, a more worrisome question is whether the cap-and-trade system would be appropriate for the country. A parliamentary report in 2008 highlighted that poor infrastructure in monitoring pollution is an important reason for weak implementation of environmental laws in the country. This points to a critical for longer durations. And because CFLS last longer, the replacement cost will also be much lower as the traditional bulbs would need to be replaced more frequently. In the end, It's all about using the available resources more intelligently. The key to great savings lies not in switching the lights off but in switching to more energy efficient lighting solutions. If each individual commits to making more informed choices to lead a more energy-efficient lifestyle, it will not only result in huge personal savings but will also help the environment. Courtesy: The Business Standard, New Delhi, August 2011. lacuna in generating air quality information and assessing the health of the environment. The India Pollution Map, a project of the Chennai-based Centre for Development Finance, has tracked the government's pollution monitoring regime and has mapped aspects of air quality. Data and information received from government sources reveal a majority of large-scale industries are compliant with the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). This raises two questions: Is the data correct? And if the pollutants in majority of industries are within limits, where is the scope of trading? The trading scheme is likely to get mired in controversy till such questions about data accuracy are addressed. The recenty revised NAAQS are yet to be fully implemented. We do 20