Cement Energy and Environment

S.No. Event Venue Organizer/Contact Date Focus Area 7. g 'h India International Kolkata gth India International Refractories Congress February 2 - 4, • Value Creation through refractories Refractories Congress (IREFCON) - 2012 2012 Cement & Glass • (IREFCON- 2012) C/o. Indian Refractory Makers Association • Non-Ferrous products 5 Lala Lajpat Rai Sarani, 4th Floor, Kolkata 700020, West Bengal, India. • Cement & Petrochemicals Tel.: (91) 33 22 81 - 4357 • Monolithic Refractories E-mail: irmaindia@hotmail.com; • Nano-engineered Refractories indrefracto!Y@ ~ahoo . co. in • Environment & Pollution Control in the Website: http://www.irmaindia.org Refractory Industry • Refractories Research & Education • Refractories Installation & Repairing Techniques • Testing, Quality Control & Quality Assurance in Refractory . Abroad 1. The 5 1 h South Asia Thimphu, Bhutan http://saciwaters.org/inside/upcomingevents.html May 3-5,2010 -- Research Workshop 2. Energy & Water Bahrain http://www.energ ~expo.bh/index.htm June 14- 16, - - Conservation Expo 201 0 International 2010 Exhibition & Convention Centre (BIEC) 3. Singapore International Singapore http://www.siww.com.sg/about-singapore June 28- 2 July, -- Water Week 2010 international-water-week 2010 50