Cement Energy and Environment

Lava!.a t.akc Ln" · length is 60 kms Reproduced from Lavasa-Brochure Lavasa authorised to sanction its own plans Residential: Special planning authority created with Lavasa officials as members. Now they dear what they want. It is official. Laws changed to allow construction on steep -- slopes. Height of / - .J I \ ~- -~--- ~~- ' \ .· .·· ... ·· . J · ·· apartment buildings increased from Ground (G)+1 to G+4, some adjacent to water body. Commercial : Laws changed to allow mixed land use– commercial and residential-in the town centre. Height of buildings was increased from G+2 to G+5, which was illegal in the original hill station policy Water: Check dam at the mouth of Dasve. Buildings and DASVE · Area under construction roads close to the water body, at 5 to 15 metre distance. Oil and sludge from vehicles and runoff could affect lake's water quality. Land reclaimed to set up the waterfront commercial area Lavasa's population density is likely to be 4000 persons/sq km Residential Dasve sector bound.ary Hospital : Servic~ quarter Village boundary • Commercial No development zone No plans for disposal of bio-medical waste on-site . Biomedical waste to be transported but no studies • Hotel • Mandatory open space Public semi-public Layout open space • Layout amenity space • Wat~rbody The company claimed the amended EIA notification of 2004 , too, did not apply to the project. The notification said "all new construction projects". including townships and colonies meant for more than 1,000 persons or involving an investment of more than Rs 50 crore, need the Centre's environment clearance . When done on its impact. this requirement was pointed out in court, LCL argued the project was not a "new project" because it had sufficiently progressed by 2004 when the notification was issued . But the documents 4 1