Cement Energy and Environment

, tonnes this fiscal year. He said the steel production is likely to go up in the third quarter. Courtesy: Civil Engineering & Construction Review, Vol. 24, Jan. 2011, P56. INDIA AMONG TOP 10 INDUSTRIAL NATIONS, BUT BEHIND CHINA India is now one of the top 10 industrial nations of the world and has also withstood the financial recession with a growing trend of productivity in its manufacturing industries, according to a report by UNIDO. It is, however, far below China, which has secured the second position after the US, says the report, titled 'International Yearbook of Industrial Statistics - 2011 '. During the global economic downturn, the share of industrialized nations such as the US, Japan, Germany, and the UK fell sharply, wh ile that of developing countries such as China, India, and Brazil has increased , said the report. Courtesy: TERI (The Energy and Resources Institute) Newswire, 16-31March, 2011, P3. BUDGET- 2011-12 MARSHALS RESOURCES FOR MASSIVE INFRA BUILD– UP Pulling out all stops and launching a slew of measures matching infrastructure to the targeted GOP growth rate, the government in its current Budget proposals fired all cylinders blasting financial bottlenecks hampering free flow of funds to the infrastructure and construction sector considered the backbone of Indian In pursuit of its targets, it effected the highest ever 23 per cent increase worth Rs. 2,14000 crore in allocation of funds for infrastructure as against Rs.1 ,73, 552 crore allocated in the last fiscal. In totality, for the new budgetary initiatives, the government fired a barrage of bonds targeting higher investment, massive infra build up and faster project delivery mechanism triggering multiplying impact on job generation, increased income and heightened demand for goods and services, which ultimately leads to higher GOP growth. Courtesy: NBM&CW, April2011, P81 . International Country Profile DEFINING THE FUTURE (China) This article first appeared in International Cement Review in March 2011 and is reprinted with kind permission of Tradeship Publications Ltd, United Kingdom. Email: info@CemNet.com Website: www.CemNet.com Ahead of Cementtech 2011, Xiangzhong Kong, Secretary General of the China Cement Association (CCA), talks to ICR about the prospects for the domestic cement market and outlines the key policies which will define the Chinese cement industry over the coming five years and beyond. ICR: How will the Chinese economy perform in 2011 compared with 2010? CCA: China's economy will continue its stable development trend in 2011 . The government is very concerned about livelihood issues and has paid greater attention to improving the environment and the quality of economic development, as well as international cooperation. The investment-led economic growth mode has not been changed. Although inflation pressure as well as local currency appreciation is expected to enhance and agricultural development has been impacted by extremely unusual weather, China's economic progress continued to maintain a sustained and steady development trend. 33