Cement Energy and Environment

RENEWABLE ENERGY CAPACITY STATUS IN INDIA, AS OF DECEMBER 31 , 2010 2010 - 2011 Cumulative deployment up to December 201 o• ------------------------- Target Achievement Grid-interactive power (MW) Wind 2,000.0 1,259.03 13,065.78 Small hydro 300.0 203.92 2,939.33 Biomass 455.0 143.50 997.10 Bagasse cogeneration 216.00 1,562.03 Waste-to-energy-urban 17.0 19.00 Waste-to-energy - industrial 7.50 53.46 Solar photovoltaic 200.0 5.54 17.82 Total 2.972.0 1835.49 18654.52 Off-grid power (MWeq) Waste-to-energy-urban 13.0 3.50 Waste-to-energy-industrial 21 .27 64.9 Biomass (non-bagasse) cogeneration 75.0 53.34 274.22 Rural biomass gasifiers 4.0 0.97 14.07 Industrial biomass gasifiers 15.0 5.75 114.09 Aerogenerators and hybrid system 0.5 1.07 Solar photovoltaic systems (>1 kW} 32.0 1.23 4.42 Watermills 2.5 10.00 Total 142.0 81.33 485.90 Remote village electrification No. of remote villages and hamlets provided With renewable energy systems Other renewable energy systems Solar photovoltaic home lighting system~ (no.) Solar photovoltaic lanterns (no.) Solar photovoltaic street lighting systems (~o.) Solar photovoltaic pumps(no.) Family-type biogas plants ('000) Solar water heaters(collector area in million square metres 1,500 150.0 1.0 1,466 8,033 37,279 656,707 3,898 817,369 1,471 122,697 7,495 57 4,310 0.5 3.97 •cumulative deployment since the 1980s, as reported by programme divisions; not necessarily indicative of systems currently in existence Source: Ministry of New and Renewable Energy Courtesy: Renewable Watch, March 2011, P70. 26 - '