Cement Energy and Environment

processes related to RECs. Auditing will be done on a sample basis to ensure compliance of regulations at central and state level. The procedure to participate in the REC mechanism is as follows: Accreditation • One REC for each MWh of electricity generation • Solar & non-solar certificates • RE generator not having PPA with Discom at preferential tariff and not sell ing to Discom at price more than Discom's pooled cost • Required to get accredited from its respective State Nodal Agency (SNA) Registration with the Central Agency • Generator to get registered with NLDC (Central Agency) • Generator will approach NLDC for issuance of certificates with certified injection • NLDC to issue and maintain accounts and repository Issuance of REC • RE generator to apply for REC within three months from generation • NLDC to issue REC to the applicant within 15 days Traded as conventional elecrriciry rh rough exchanges, bilareral rransacrions, ere. Green premium converred inro exchange tradable cerrificares (Post verification of actual electricity generation from respective SLDC) Trading of RECs through power exchanges • RE generator can sell only through power exchanges • Sell within 365 days of issuance • Obligated entities (Discom/captive power plant-CPP/ open access-OA consumer) to buy to meet RPO Courtesy: Renewable Energy Akshay Urja, December 2010, Vo/.4, Pp 43-44 Sale ofRECs ar Power Exchange 24 .. '