Cement Energy and Environment

the Energy Strategy 2050. The plan comprises initiatives to reduce the use of fossil fuels by 33 per cent by 2020 as compared to the 2009 levels. It also focuses on the development of biomass, biogas and wind energy, which have the potential to increase the share of renewables in the country's energy mix to 33 per cent over the next 10 years. Courtesy: Renewable Watch, March 2011 , P11. Energy Efficiency ENERGY EFFICIENCY GAIN FOR ALL A green road map for the Twelfth Plan is almost ready, with a Planning Commission expert group on low-carbon economy for inclusive growth focusing on energy efficiency for consumers , better public transport systems, and incentives the government should give to adopt cleaner technologies. The report says MAHARASHTRAAMENDS WATER LAW Agriculture gets priority over industry, farmer-friendly clauses dropped In a landmark amendment to the law governing Maharashtra's water regulatory system, the state has placed agriculture above industry in priority for allocating water from dams. Before the amendment of the Maharashtra Water Resources Regulatory Authority (MWRRA) Act 2005, Maharashtra was the only state in the country to have given industry priority over agriculture in water allocation. All concerned have welcomed the overdue correction of the high investment for low– carbon economy can be recouped in five years, as the country will save in energy costs. India can be the hub of future clean technologies, as there is a huge market in two energy intensive sectors electricity and transport. About 45 per cent Indians do not have a regular power connection and the annual growth of the automobile sector is about 15 per cent, second to China. Courtesy: TERI (The Energy and Resources Institute) Newswire, 16-31March, 2011 , P4. INDIAN INDUSTRY BECOMING ENERGY EFFICIENT: UNIDO India has made significant progress in efficient use of energy in its industrial production processes during its journey as one of the top ten manufacturing countries in the world . At a presentation by UNIDO's Chief Statistician Dr. Shyam Upadhyaya on 'Performance of manufacturing priorities. The amendment also gives water allocation rights to the state Cabinet, instead of a committee of ministers chaired by the water resources minister, as intended earlier. The amendment was moved amid intense protests from farmers' and water rights groups. Initially, the amendment bill transferred the water allocation rights from MWRRA to the group of ministers. It was moved in the state legislative council on April 15 and passed in the wee hours of April 16. It also cancelled several farmerfriendly provisions in the Act and made all diversions of water from agriculture to non- industries of India: latest statistical evidences', it was revealed that in the last ten years, the country's manufacturing output grew by an average 7 per cent annually, while industrial energy consumption grew at much lower rate of 3.6 per cent. This, the report said, reflected an increasing awareness of the need for energy efficiency and introduction of energy efficient methods in industry. In fact, efficient use of energy, aided by enhanced labour productivity and increase in exports of manufactured goods, helped India in securing its position among the top ten industrial producers , especially when the share of major industrialized economies in global factory output fell significantly in the last decade. Courtesy: TERI (The Energy and Resources Institute) Newswire, 16-31March, 2011, P5. MANAGEMENT agricultural uses made till date immune from court action. However, following stiff resistance to the bill not just from people's groups but also from Congress MLAs, chief minister Prithviraj Chavan intervened and moved a correction motion which changed the allocation priority and gave allocation rights to the Cabinet. The altered amendment was cleared by both houses of the legislature on April 20 and 21 respectively. While farmers and water rights groups have welcomed the new provisions, they express disappointment over removal of farmer-friendly clauses in the \0