Cement, Energy and Environment

Carbon Capture and Storage technology has the potential to revolutionize the cement industry by significantly reducing emissions and promoting sustainability. While challenges remain, ongoing research, investment, and collaboration among stakeholders can pave the way for successful implementation. As the world strives for a Fig. 2: Schematic Diagram on India’s scenario on Carbon Capture & Storage Conclusion IEAGHG. (2019), Technology Report on CCS. IEA. (2020), Cement Technology Roadmap. Gaffney, C. L., et al. (2021), Carbon Capture for the Cement Industry: Opportunities & Challenges. Friedrich, D., et al. (2019), Understanding Pre-Combustion Carbon Capture. References 10 research and development, and collaboration with international partners [14]. Khan, M. A., et al. (2020), Oxyfuel Combustion in the Cement Industry. Krevor, S., et al. (2019), Mineralization of CO2: A Review of the Current State. Norcem. (2021), The Future of Cement Production: CO2 Capture at Norcem. LEILAC. (2019), Direct Air Capture: The LEILAC Project. Chadwick, A. R., et al. (2019), Regulatory Frameworks for CCS Deployment. Meyer, E. M., et al. (2020), Economic Viability of Carbon Capture Technologies. https://gccassociation.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/ 06/CCS-in-Concrete-India-Executive-Summary_June2 024.pdf https://www.weforum.org/stories/2022/12/here-s-how- india-cement-net-zero/ https://www.niti.gov.in/sites/default/files/2022-12/CCU S-Report.pdf https://www.ceew.in/press-releases/indias-steel-and-c ement-industries-need-inr-47-lakh-crore-for-achieving- net-zero-transition low-carbon future, CCS could play a crucial role in transforming the cement industry and achieving climate goals. India's outlook for CCS in the cement industry shows cautious optimism, with significant potential for reducing emissions and contributing to global climate targets. 42